Twitter Announces Monetization Plan for Verified Users

Twitter Announces Monetization Plan for Verified Users

Twitter Announces Monetization Plan for Verified Users

Twitter has announced a new monetization plan for verified users, which will allow them to earn a share of the revenue from ads displayed in their replies.

To be eligible for the program, users must meet the following criteria

  • Be verified by Twitter
  • Earn at least 5 million impressions on their posts in each of the last 3 months
  • Pass a human review


Here are some additional details about the monetization plan

    • The ads that are displayed in the replies to tweets will be targeted to the interests of the user who tweeted the original message.
    • Twitter will share 50% of the revenue from the ads with the eligible users.
    • The revenue will be paid out monthly.

Once approved, users will be able to see a dashboard that shows them how much revenue they have generated from ads displayed in their replies. They will also be able to choose how they want to be paid, either through PayPal or Stripe.

The new monetization plan is part of Twitter’s efforts to attract and retain more content creators on the platform. Twitter has been losing ground to other social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, in recent years. By giving verified users a way to earn money from their content, Twitter hopes to make the platform more attractive to creators.

The monetization plan is still in its early stages, and it is not yet clear how much revenue users will be able to generate. However, it is a significant step for Twitter as it seeks to become a more sustainable business.

Here are the steps involved in the monetization plan

  1. Twitter will identify eligible users based on their number of impressions and other factors.
  2. Eligible users will be invited to participate in the program.
  3. Users who agree to participate will create a Stripe account and provide Twitter with their payment information.
  4. Twitter will start displaying ads in the replies to users’ tweets.
  5. Users will receive a share of the revenue from ads that are displayed in their replies.

The monetization plan is expected to be rolled out gradually over the next few months. Twitter has not yet announced a specific timeline for the full rollout.

Twitter’s monetization plan is a significant step forward for the company. It is the first time that Twitter has offered a way for content creators to earn money from their tweets. The plan is likely to be popular with creators, and it could help to attract more of them to the platform.

It remains to be seen how successful the monetization plan will be. However, it is a positive step for Twitter, and it could help to make the platform more profitable.

 Benefits of the monetization plan for verified users

  • It provides a new way for verified users to earn money from their tweets.
  • It encourages verified users to produce more high-quality content.
  • It helps to attract more content creators to Twitter.

 Challenges of the monetization plan

  • It could lead to an increase in spam and abuse.
  • It could make Twitter less user-friendly.
  • It could alienate some users who do not want to see ads in the replies to their tweets.

Overall, the monetization plan is a positive step for Twitter. It has the potential to make the platform more profitable and to attract more content creators. However, there are some potential challenges that the company will need to address.

To be eligible, users must be verified, earn five million impressions on posts in each of the last three months, and pass a human review. The feature will first be rolled out to a group of users before a wider launch. “This means that creators can get a share in ad revenue starting in the replies to their posts.