New Decision on India-Pakistan World Cup 2023

New Decision on India-Pakistan World Cup 2023

New Decision on India-Pakistan World Cup 2023

The much-anticipated India-Pakistan match at the 2023 Cricket World Cup has been thrown into doubt after Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Ramiz Raja said that his team would not travel to India for the tournament.

Raja made the announcement on Monday, citing security concerns as the reason for Pakistan’s decision. He said that the PCB had been assured by the Indian government that the team would be safe, but that he was not convinced.

“We have been assured by the Indian government that our team will be safe, but we are not convinced,” Raja said. “We have seen what happened in the past, and we are not taking any chances.”

The India-Pakistan match is always one of the most anticipated matches in any cricket tournament, and its absence from the 2023 World Cup would be a major disappointment for fans.

The PCB has not yet said whether it will withdraw from the World Cup altogether, or whether it will try to find a neutral venue for the India-Pakistan match.

The ICC has not yet commented on the PCB’s decision.

Update (July 13, 2023): The ICC has announced that Pakistan will not be withdrawing from the 2023 Cricket World Cup. However, the India-Pakistan match will be moved to a neutral venue. The match will now be played in Sri Lanka.

The decision was made after the ICC met with both the PCB and the BCCI. The ICC said that it was important for the match to be played, but that it also had to take into account the security concerns of both teams.

The match will be played on October 15, 2023, at the R. Premadasa Stadium in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

New Decision on India-Pakistan World Cup 2023

The much-anticipated India-Pakistan match at the 2023 Cricket World Cup is still on, despite earlier threats from Pakistan to withdraw from the tournament. The ICC has confirmed that the match will be played on October 15 at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, India.

The decision comes after a meeting between the ICC, the BCCI, and the PCB. The PCB had initially objected to playing the match in Ahmedabad due to security concerns, but the ICC has assured them that the match will be held in a safe and secure environment.

The PCB has also agreed to play their other group stage matches in India, as per the original schedule. This means that Pakistan will play their nine league matches across five different venues in India.

The decision to keep the India-Pakistan match in the World Cup is a welcome one for cricket fans around the world. The match is always one of the most anticipated matches of the tournament, and it is sure to be a sell-out.

Here are some of the details of the new decision

  • The match will be played on October 15 at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, India.
  • The match will be held in a safe and secure environment.
  • Pakistan has agreed to play their other group stage matches in India.
  • The match is sure to be a sell-out.

The decision has been met with mixed reactions

  • Some fans are happy that the match is still on, while others are disappointed that Pakistan has not been able to get their way.
  • The PCB has said that they are “disappointed” with the decision, but they will respect it.
  • The ICC has said that they are “confident” that the match will be a success.

The future of India-Pakistan cricket

The decision to keep the India-Pakistan match in the World Cup is a positive sign for the future of India-Pakistan cricket. The two countries have not played a bilateral series since 2012, but there have been recent signs of thawing relations.